HOW IS EVERYBODY doing? I am trying to find my way back to blogging. There are many things I want to write about, but they're all in half-sentences. Here they are:
Art is a way of survival.
A Siena, città alla quale sono molto legato, si sta in casa ma si canta insieme come se si fosse per la strada. Mi sono commosso— David Allegranti (@davidallegranti) March 12, 2020
“I N T H E D A R K T I M E S
W I L L T H E R E A L S O B E S I N G I N G ?
Y E S , T H E R E W I L L A L S O B E S I N G I N G .
A B O U T T H E D A R K T I M E S .”
— Bertolt Brecht.
Books. I read the The Purple Swamp Hen and Other Stories this Winter. The “Peasant” story was my favourite. Loved, loved, loved the voice of the hobby painter housewife. I have met people like her. I have imagined their lives. I started A Girl is A Half Formed Thing around the same time. Still on it. Eimear McBride's stream-of-consciousness style reads like straight whiskey and I am a slow drinker. Have started and abandoned a handful of books since the New Year. Plan to start Galore. Thing is, I am a mood-reader and I don't know what mood this time calls for... Poetry, maybe? If you know anyone similar to Louise Glück, not too frilly, about the ordinary, I would love to hear.
My Game of Thrones Theory. I haven't read the series. Only watched the show and read G.R.R. Martin's blog. I like that he rotate between writing projects. He is a craft writer alright. I like how he supports other Fantasy and Sci-Fi writers. I want to read Dying of the Light. People say “Winter is coming” is a metaphor for climate change. I think the looming end of the eternal summer is a subtle snub to sunny Los Angeles and the film industry. He was a frustrated script writer of unmade TV shows who wrote A Song of Ice and Fire to let his imagination run wild. •
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