The Garden of Eden

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


WEIRD BOOK. A lot of male gaze — fascinating how men think women use their breasts in a calculated way when putting on a shirt, or hugging someone. And the poor narrator is oh so defenseless when his wife 'forces' him into a ménage à trois...

And yet, I was enraptured. The characters felt real and the story felt like it was being told exactly how things had happened. 

The simple, unpretentious writing style helped (minus the almost sentient breasts). 

“Let's lie very still and quiet and hold each other and not think at all,” he said and his heart said goodbye Catherine goodbye my lovely girl goodbye and good luck and goodbye.

A great book of its time, I suppose. 

Cover: Moses Kisling. Kiki de Montparnasse. 1924. Private collection, Germany.

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